Thursday, May 29, 2008

Chefchaouen The Blue Heaven : 3rd week of April.

In spring 2008, the destiny finally decided for me to put the foot in Chefchaouen ; this laid back and pretty place which make you believe that the paradise is blue.

The Blue Heaven.

The streets in the small old medina have been painted glorious shades of blue which contrasts wonderfully with the mountain backdrop.
Chefchaouen a typical example of the blue Andalusian architecture.

After strolling past the blue street and the colorful shops we go to a nice restaurant in the town square in front of the Kasbah; where we watch people walking, observe the Chaoueni life and drink our "Moroccan whiskey... mint tea".

We didn't miss visiting the museum of the Kasbah where some aspects of the Moroccan history are expressed.
Hiking the Rif Mountains and standing on the top of a holy mount, Chefchaouen appears a peaceful dove sitting in a green nest.

The Kasbash in the midst of Chefchaouen surrounded by a set of gathering houses.

The easiest part of our trailer to the peak.
The sunset behind the Rif mountains.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

drake commented here ^^.

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